PyHOGS How to...
Summary: Working with PyHOGS Github Repositories
List of commands for creating and syncing local PyHOGS repositories.
Create and read netCDF files
An introduction to netCDF and the netCDF4 python module.
Use Github with PyHOGS
A tutorial of how to use GitHub for contributing to the PyHOGS repository.
Write a post for PyHOGS
A tutorial of how to post to the PyHOGS website: making an iPython Notebook and supporting files and adding them to the PyHOGS GitHub repository.
Colormap example for bathymetry
An example of making a map with filled bathymetric contours in matplotlib.
Colormap Examples
How to work with colors and colormaps, create your own colormap, and color lines using a colormap in matplotlib.
Create a plot with broken axis
Simple demo on how to create a plot with discontinuous axes.
Set the aspect ratio of a plot
An example showing how to set the aspect ratio of a plot.
Read complex .mat files
How to read complex .mat files like a boss
Slice and index Python objects
Indexing and slicing Tutorial